Employee Quote: Commitment

Shoulder to Shoulder is versatile, and their stance in the southwestern corner of Honduras is committed. Community respect for the organization shows through the people you meet. In participation with an educational brigade through UNCA, I was able to interact with faculty and students in small primary schools and also interpret for patients and doctors in community clinic settings. The small towns with cobbled roads and old white mission-style churches located in the lush mountainous landscapes of Intibucá provide impressive locales to meet so many smiling and curious faces from all over the United States, Honduras and beyond. Intibucá, like all places, is not without its politics and difficulties, but it also is a place with so much to offer. Shoulder to Shoulder fosters the values of service and cooperation and provides a place for coming together, learning and sharing. – Jack

Brigade Quote: Academics and Epidemiology

Academically, STS offers a great venue to expose U.S. students to a systematic manner for value-added data collection on rural public health. Epidemiologically, the data can be used in the present, reviewed retrospectively for high caliber work because of the high quality of reliability in STS’s survey and collection methods. STS’s contribution is invaluable…[it] offers a wide and far-reaching impact on those that it comes in contact with.” Edwin Galan, Clinical Assistant Professor, Silver City Health Center – KU Health Partners