By Mariela Rodriguez – Communications Coordinator

Eva’s older sister is in high school, which means that there are more educational expenses (books, supplies, transportation, etc) for the family. If Eva was not receiving help from the Shoulder to Shoulder scholarship program, her mother would only be able to afford to keep one of her daughters in school. Instead, the added financial support from Eva’s scholarship allows two sisters the ability to study.
Eva also shared how she experienced trauma early in her young life which has left her with emotional scars. She also suffers from a respiratory illness which often lands her in the clinic for the day – causing her to miss school. Despite all of these obstacles Eva has been able to maintain good grades and is motivated to keep studying just like her sister. She thanks the donors who are able to make her scholarship a reality and allow her and her sister to study, helping them come closer to graduating.
Thank you for your time and commitment to our project!