A Water Filter ($25) Helps them Grow

Dear Donorfirst,

Today is GIVING Tuesday. Shoulder to Shoulder joins thousands of organizations around the world on this day of giving. In our most recent report for Hens Hatching Hope we interviewed mothers on how the project was going. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, yet we found out that children are getting sick due to inaccess to clean water. Today we are raising funds to purchase water filters and distribute them to our project children so that they can be healthy and energetic this holiday season.

If you give today, your contribution will go even farther as we join forces with GlobalGiving to help us reach our goal. There are a million reasons to give today—and one is that the more you give, the larger share we get from the $1.2 MILLION in bonus funds from GlobalGiving.

We need your help to reach our Giving Tuesday goal of 100 filter for 100 families. Will you give today?