Big Sister; Little Brother

By Laura Manship – General Director

Brother and Sister from San Marcos

Brother and Sister from San Marcos

It has been a very exciting 3 months. We just learned that the Mathile Institute will provide Shoulder to Shoulder with funding to continue our Nutrition Project for six more months. So, instead of ending on August 30, 2018….we can now continue the project until February 2019. In order to do that, we need to match the Mathile Institute funds.Along with distributing the Chispuditos product, we just started to provide nutritional education to the mothers and fathers in our program. Thanks to the generosity of Jessica Minesinger (one of the members of our Board of Directors), Community Health workers now have a nutrition curriculum to use. We are hopeful that this education will also help to improve the health of the children in our program. Families lack information about good nutrition, and many children fill up on sugary drinks and salty snacks.  We believe that change comes through knowledge!